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excessive crying in infants (infantile colic)

do your child cry for more than 3 hours in a day so it may be infantile colic do not worry

what is infantile colic means? 

infantile colic means "excessive crying" caused by cramps in the abdomen

it is very disturbing for parents or health professionals when a child cries excessively which is started mostly within 3 to 6 weeks of birth.

is your child cries more than 3 hours a day or for more than 3 days per week which is going to happen for more than 3 weeks: so try to not be disturbed by the situation as it is expected during the first 3 to 6 months of life and it is gone to be resolved/ improved after the 6 months of age.

how do you know if your child has colic?

1. infantile colic happens suddenly, for example, the infant may be breastfeeding, playing happily, or sleepy before the crying episode begins suddenly and which often occurs in the evening time.

2. the crying event is more intense, and louder and it is high-pitched in the infantile colic

3. infantile colic is associated with physical symptoms like stretching and increased muscle tone

4. crying may end after the infant passes gas or bowel movement and it is difficult to calm/soothe an infant during the colic episode

next, we will see different causes of why an infant cries and home  management of colic

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