In previous writing, I have written about infantile colic which is physiologic for the child as it is caused by cramping and gastrointestinal spasm, which are relieved when the infant pass gas/flatus and bowel movement/feces. before diagnosing an infant with infantile colic, we should know other causes or reasons why a child cries?
it is normal for a child to cry mostly but sometimes it disturbs the family, and the parent should have to know the cause of crying
let us see some of the reasons for an infant crying
- the first one is hunger so the mother should have to try feeding if the cause is the cause is hunger the child will stop when he/she is fed, typically infants within a period of 3 to 4 months should have to feed frequently every 2 to 3 hour even if the infant is sleep he/she should have to wake up for feeding
- an infant could also cry because of illness or physical injury, so you should have to check their body heat; if their body feels warm reduce their cloth, or if their body is cold add the additional cloth. Sometimes their cloth becomes so tight on their body or their cloth tighten on specific body parts so the parents should have to check that.
- the other cause of an infant for crying is that overstimulation of the baby or being tired, so you should give your child to rest/sleep or giving a pacifier will help
- food allergy or hypersensitivity is the other reason for child crying, so food like cow milk, egg, nut, and honey shouldn't provide for a child under the age of 1 year. for severe allergy reaction check the baby's body for edema, wheel, audible wheezes, diarrhea, and vomiting which need urgent medical treatment
It is good to know