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Stomach/ gastric ulcer

Stomach/ gastric ulcer

• Commonly called gastritis. Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is an ulcer of our stomach and upper intestine. It is a disease of many people that can cause a lot of danger. This problem is caused by peeling or wounding of the inner wall of the upper part of the stomach and small intestine.

• As you know, there is a dangerous acid called Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) in every human stomach. This acid can cause severe damage if it touches any part of the body.

• Stomach problems are caused by various reasons when the inner wall of the stomach and small intestine is slightly peeled or wrinkled due to the acid touching the wall. This acid is confined to the stomach. It cannot go up into the throat or down into the intestines. If it were not for this, we would have no throat or intestines to live. Because it has the potential to tear.

• Even if the stomach wall is touched by more than a particle, it will lead to fainting and vomiting of blood. The stomach wall is naturally covered with mucus, so the acid cannot touch the wall.

There are two types of ulcers.

• Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer/upper small intestine ulcer. A person can have both types of ulcers at the same time. It is also possible to separate the signs that show the two.

Symptoms of gastric ulcer:

Pain (may be distant from the injured area)

Mild symptoms

📌 Burning stomach pain,

📌 Abdominal discomfort after eating for 2-3 hours, Indigestion,

📌 Decrease in appetite

📌 Nausea,

📌 Flatulence and abdominal pain that worsens at night and on an empty stomach

Severe pain symptoms

Sharpe and increasing type of pain

📌 Stomach pain

📌 Blood or coffee-colored vomit or stool, Heartburn and heartburn, and when it gets worse, black charcoal-like stools, fainting, bloody vomiting, shortness of breath, fatigue, backburn, and stabbing occur.

lets us see some of the causes of gastric ulcer

1.  Mainly one of the causes of the pain and the main one is stomach bacteria. The main cause of ulcers is a bacteria called H pylori. The bacteria break down the mucus that covers the stomach and small intestine walls, allowing the acid to easily reach the next layer.

2. In addition, various medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, warfarin, and other medicines are not taken properly.

3. Increasing age: especially over 70 years old;

4. Alcohol consumption,

5. Confusion and physical injury are the causes of the wound.

Factors that trigger gastric ulcer:

• Diet,

• Frustration and anger

• Medicines

• Not eating food in the morning is a way of life.

The test used to confirm or diagnose symptoms of gastric ulcer

• Collecting information from patients;

• Blood and stool tests,

• By observing the presence or absence of the bacteria;

• Seeing your breath with a tool and others.

What is the treatment?

• After being seen by a professional, the treatment is given according to the type, level, and cause of the pain. The medicines that are prescribed are also different. Untreated gastritis can cause serious complications as those listed below.

• Heavy bleeding, perforation of the stomach

• It can cause the darkening of blood vessels and can lead to cancer.

how to prevent the symptoms

📌 reduce intake of Spicy foods including red meat should be avoided.

📌 Eat a little more often than eating at once

📌 avoid Cigarettes, coffee, alcohol, and soft drinks

📌 patients are advised to take Tomato and citrus vegetables (lemon orange)

📌 Reduce anxiety

📌 Not eating 2-3 hours before going to sleep

📌 Exercise at least 30 minutes a day

📌 By taking prescribed medicines properly

📌 Eat food calmly and chew it well

📌 Avoiding excessive use of painkillers.  stop getting upset, and adjusting your lifestyle will reduce the severity of the problem to a great extent.

• By reducing protein foods and using energy and warming foods, the level of the ulcer does not get worse and it helps to recover. Because protein is digested in the stomach, it makes it worse. Carbohydrates also give rest because they are not digested in the stomach.

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