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Dr?. my child was born with undescended testicles, What should you do?

✍Question 1: What is an undescended testicle?

👉 When the male fetus grows, the testicles are formed near the kidney.

👉 During 28 and 40 weeks of pregnancy, the testicles that were in the stomach descend into the scrotum.

About 2 to 3 percent of men are born without a single testicle in the scrotum.

The final descent of the testicle can take up to six months after birth.

👉 But it usually has a chance of coming down within three months of birth.

If the testicles do not reach the sac when the baby is 6 months old, it is called undescended testes.

This can happen to one or both testicles.

Question 2: What are the symptoms?

👉Not seeing where you expect the testicles to be in the sac and not being able to descend is the main symptom of the testicle.

👉 One or both scrotal sacs are empty.

👉Swelling in the groin area (testicles).

✍Question 3: When should he go to the hospital?

👉 Undescended testicle is most often diagnosed when your baby is tested shortly after birth.

How long should you wait if your child has an undescended testicle?

If the testicle does not enter the sac until 6 months, the problem may not resolve itself.

👉👉 He is required to go to the hospital where this treatment is given!

👉👉 Because when an undescended testicle is treated while still a child (12-18 months old), it reduces the risk of problems such as infertility and testicular cancer.

Older men - from infants to teenage boys - may appear to have "lost" testicles if they are both descended at birth and later become internalized.

👉This condition may indicate the following

⚫ Retractile testicle

👉 It moves between the pouch and the groin and can be easily inserted into the pouch during physical examination.

This is not uncommon and is a problem caused by overstimulation of the muscles in the scrotum. If it persists after 9 years of age, it should be corrected.

⚫ It is called Ascending or acquired undescended testes if it "returns" to the groin and cannot be easily entered into the sac by hand. It should be treated immediately.

✍Question 4: What could be the causes?

The exact cause of undescended testicles is unknown.

A combination of genetics, maternal health, and other environmental factors can cause problems such as hormones that affect testicular development, physical changes, and nerve damage.

Factors that increase the risk of an undescended testicle in a newborn include:

⚫ Low weight

⚫ premature birth

⚫ If there is a family history of undescended testicles or other genital development problems

⚫ Fetal conditions that can limit growth, such as Down syndrome or abdominal wall defects

⚫ The mother's use of alcohol, smoking, or exposure to cigarette smoke during pregnancy

⚫ Exposure of parents to some pesticides

✍Question 5: What kind of problem does cause undescended testicles?

👉testicle help for sperm production, sperms need to be in a slightly cool place on a regular basis to develop and function. It should be lower than normal body temperature. That place is the scrotum.

👉 If it is outside of this where the testicles/sperm is found, it will cause the following problems:-

⚫ testicular cancer

👉 Men with undescended testicles have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer.

👉 Surgical correction of undescended testicles may reduce future testicular cancer, but not eliminate it.

⚫ Infertility problem

👉 Low sperm count, low sperm quality, and decreased fertility are more likely to occur among men with undescended sperm.

This may be due to abnormal sperm development.

If the disease is not treated for a long time, it can get worse.

✍ Other problems associated with an abnormal location of the undescended testicle include:

Testicular torsion

It is a problem that occurs when the part of the testicle that contains blood vessels, nerves, and sperm gets twisted from the tube that leads from the testicle to the penis.

👉This condition cuts blood to the testicles.

If not treated immediately, this can lead to the loss of sperm.

👉This problem is 10 times more than normal sperm.

⚫ Trauma

If the sperm is located in the groin, it is a danger caused by pressure on the pelvic bone.

✍Question 6: What does the examination look like?

It can only be diagnosed through a physical examination by the doctor.

Ultrasound and other imaging tests are generally not recommended for diagnosing undescended testicles. They are not important.

Question 7: What is the treatment like?

👉The aim of the treatment is to move the undescended testicles to the right place in the sac.

👉 Treatment before the age of one year can reduce complications such as infertility and testicular cancer.

It is recommended that the child be operated on before the age of 18 months.

✍Question 8: What does the surgery look like?

👉 Undescended testicles are surgically corrected.

👉 It should be done carefully on children. Because the blood vessels and testicles are tiny, they are vulnerable to damage.

The surgery depends on the condition and location of the testicles.

In some cases, the sperm may be underdeveloped, abnormal, or dead.

If so, it should be removed.

✍Question 9: What should the follow-up look like?

After the operation, the surgeon must monitor the development of the sperm, and whether it is functioning properly and staying in place.

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