The worlds health organization/WHO, the American pediatrics association/AAP, and the American college of obstetrics and gynecology/ACOG recommend human milk as the optimal nutritional source for all infants and they studied breastfeeding has proven benefits for infants and mothers.
if your child is less than 6 months it is advised to exclusively breastfeed during this period of time, which means your child's only source of nutrition should have to be breast milk. if you do not know the way how to feed, the frequency of breastfeeding or the positioning for feeding your child will suffer from malnutrition, which has long-term developmental and neurologic problems in the future; so you must have to give emphasis on your child's nutrition.
some mothers especially those with the first delivery/ primiparous female do not know when to start breastfeeding after delivery and the frequency of feeding.
Do you know when to start breast feeding in normal spontaneous vaginal delivery and operative/surgical/cesearan delivery???
- the basic concept when starting breast feeding is to start as soon as possible feeding if the mother is able to feed the child but sometime if the delivery is with ceseearen delivery the anesthetic drug may stay for some minutes and the mother may need some time. Regarding the timing it should have to be started with in less than 20 minute
- most experts recommend feeding 8 to 12 times per day, which is every 2 hours the mother should have to feed the child. during the feeding one of breast milk should to complete before moving the other breast because it has different composition which help for the child development
- during the first 6 months life infants sleep most of the day during this period of time a mother should have to wake her child to feed