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Breast pain

Breast Pain

  •  9 causes of breast pain

1. Hormones

  • Do you feel pain three to five days before your period? and It stops after starting. This is due to the increase in estrogen and progesterone before your period.
  • If you are pregnant, your breasts will be sore during the first trimester due to increased hormone production.      

Steps to take to reduce the pain:

             - Avoid caffeine

             - Reduce the amount of salt

             - Quitting smoking

             - Take a pain reliever

             - Birth control pills or

              - Changing hormone replacement therapy

              - Ask your doctor if he can help you.

2. Breast injury

 This can happen due to an accident while playing sports, or as a result of breast surgery.

 Consult your doctor if the pain does not improve or if you notice any of these symptoms:

         - Severe swelling

         - If there is swelling in the breast

         - Redness and heat

         - If there is a permanent wound

3. Due to an unsupported bra

Without proper support, the ligaments that connect the breasts to the chest wall can become overstretched and cause pain. So make sure your brows are the right size.

4. Breast pain may be coming from your chest wall

5. Breastfeeding

 Breastfeeding can sometimes be the source of breast pain.  

 Nipple pain occurs due to irritation or dry, cracked skin or infection

 Improper breastfeeding causes breast pain during breastfeeding.

6. Breast infection

Breastfeeding women are more likely to get breast infections. If you have a breast infection, you may have a fever. Also, breast redness; There will be swelling and pain. It is essential to consult a doctor if you have a breast infection.

7. Breast pain can be a side effect of medication.

8. Breast Lump/Cyst Your doctor may order a mammogram/ultrasound to check for cysts.

9. Breast pain can sometimes be a symptom of breast cancer.

The skin on the breast may also thicken or become wrinkled. If you are concerned about breast cancer, contact your doctor immediately

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